was a success!
By Marie-LN Fortin
I’m very happy by the outcome of ActionONE. We achieved all our main
objectives; we raised awareness and money to fight global warming.
$1,000 will be donated to the David Suzuki Foundation and $1,000
will go to Hilltrip Environmental Programs and Projects, which are
all focused on fighting global warming directly and indirectly.

Everyone who was there had a good time. With amazing slides show
from photographers
Crispin Cannon (picture on the
Bruce Rowles,
Kurtis Croy,
Blake Jorgenson, who would’ve not? And those
who was there early had the chance to see brief introduction to
the Melting Mountains Program from
Ian Bruce. Thanks
for the shows!
In spite of the powder days and late night series, ActionONE gathered
a pretty strong group of people. Thanks to everyone who came, bided
at the silent auction and enjoyed the slide shows.
Lots of people were able to get good deals on ski and snowboard
gear, catskiing trips, clothing, bungee jumps, Mount Seymour day
passes, Farfalla gift certificate, Black Ohm Tattoos time and art
pieces from local artists
Chili Thom,
Dave “PEPE” Petko,
Roy and
Brad Chornaby, among other items.
There was 93 items in total for the silent auction and there was
Glacier Girls (Andree and Courtney) and one
Glacier Boy at one point (come on the split), selling
balloons with prizes insides. Some highlights: Snowboards were sold
under $250, skis under $350 and Powder Mountain Catskiing Day trips
under $200.

During the whole event, there was information available about how
global warming is affecting our mountains and how we can help reduce
these impacts. Global warming is happening right now - glaciers
are melting (worldwide, melting rates have doubled since the 1980s),
that snowlines are rising and that winters are getting shorter -
and its really threatening our mountain lifestyle.
Hopefully the message was understood and everyone will understand
that we are all part of the solution. If we want to ride powder
and especially want to ride the glacier in the summer time, we ALL
need to start action now.

With ActionONE, Hilltrip has gained a lot of credibility in the
snow sports industry. Hopefully this will help us accomplish more
to improve the sustainability of our mountain lifestyle including
mountain resorts environments and the snow sports industries. There
is so much to be done, Hilltrip as a lot on its plate. In the next
few months, you can expect a brand new website to be launch with
more awareness and action!
Thanks to the David Suzuki Foundation and Melting Mountains. A special thank you also to Kelly Saldat-Brix, Catherine Charron
Viens, James Morris, Matin Momtazi, Olivier Roy, and other volunteers
for their help in making ActionONE a success.